Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's coming in....sideways...No worries!

I went to go see the oral surgeon guy today. 3 0f 4 wisdom teeth are growing in fine for the most part... the coming in sideways...and when i say sideways...i mean it...I saw the xray....and it's pretty uncomfortable...There is a constant dull pain in my mouth from my wisdom's great.

April 23. 8.30am. I am finally getting rid of them. thank goodness.
My bottom teeth are on a nerve line or something to that effect and so it was probably bruise, meaning my lip might go numb for a while...I ask what a while is...he says 6 to 8 weeks. A while my tush. 'Yeah, be careful when you drink...ha ha ha'

Not funny.

Jerk move mr oral surgeon man. jerk move...

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